Wanda Jackson
To build a biblical foundation in the lives of individuals that will transform families, friends, and the community for the Kingdom of God.

  • To build a biblical foundation in the lives of individuals that will transform families, friends, and the community for the Kingdom of God.
  • Study the Word of God and discuss relevant topics.
  • Face life’s challenges with bold assurance in Christ.
  • Learn to share the gospel of Christ with others.
  • Sunday School Classes for all ages. Sunday School Hour 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15


Jerome Mangum Our mission is to display empathy, be a witness, and serve our church members, by the example of Jesus Christ; ministering to those in need; to the sick, to the friendless, and any who may be in distress. We strive to be the hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and ears, of Jesus, as His faithful servants as well as unto our Pastor. Simply put, deacons serve our church members, by the example of Jesus Christ; ministering to those in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and any who may be in distress.
Macedonia’s Deacons are to personify Christian Love: Worship God in spirit and truth; pray for wisdom; support the Pastor with the two ordinances of the church, Baptism and Communion. We are to edify the saints and assist with other church ministries; visit the sick and shut-ins, and tithe to the church our time, talent and substances; winning souls for Christ at home, on the job, and not just the four walls of the church building.


Samuel Washington
Trustees mission statement: Spiritual Sensitivity. We have a love for the Lord and consequently the church body. We will be sensitive to its needs and will endeavour to administer our responsibilities and a manner that provides a robust and fruitful worship environment. Accountability: we accept responsibility and are accountable to God and the congregation for the proper administration of our stewardship duties. Communication: We will proactively communicate with the church body and others in a clear, open and honest manner.--


Greg Gipson


Frank Price


Joyce Mangum

Our mission statement is to stand upright before God our Father. Through prayer, study and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we prepare ourselves spiritually to assist in the spiritual responsibilities of the church and to glorify God through our services to others under the spiritual guidance of the Pastor and the Deacons by working with the Deacons in ministering to the needs of the overall congregation with loving kindness and sympathy. We are to assist the Pastor and the Deacons’ Ministry with the visiting of members of the church and assisting in the preparation and administering of the two ordinances of the church, Baptism and Communion.


Marvin Holiday


Cynthia Fisher


Mary Brown
The Women Intermediate (WIA) Ministry is a sisterhood of women (40-59 years old). We work together in Christian love to exemplify the love of Christ and to nurture a spirit of goodwill toward mankind.


Patricia Walker


Maria Woodward
We are a Christian organization for girls 9-18. It is the endeavor of the organization to educate and promote young girls in developing their Christian maturity. Keeping Christ first, speaking the truth with love, and understanding that by doing so, all other things will be added.
Please join the Girl’s Auxiliary on this new journey. We would like to assist you in enhancing your spiritual, social/emotional, physical, cognitive, language, and educational skills.


Renee Chin-Lang


Renee Chin-Lang